MCC has a ballot question on this year's ballot asking voters to revoke and replace our two current operating levies.
Today, we are sharing two slides with you about the ballot question.
What are we asking and what would be the impact on my taxes if this passes are the two areas covered by these slides.
Essentially we have two operating levies. One expires after the next tax period and one expires in 2024. We are asking the community voters to revoke both their authorities and replace them with a combined authority of the same amount.
Why? This will simplify things by only carrying one levy reducing need to hold multiple elections. It will also help carry these needed dollars for 10 years.
How will this impact my taxes compared to the current two levies? Even though ballot says you are voting to raise your taxes, this is a revoke and replace. Your annual tax impact will remain the same. This would extend the same tax levy amount for 10 more years.
If you want more information visit our Referendum Web Page:
If you have questions:
Contact Superintendent Lund (218) 874-8530 or
Last call for bids.
Material from the softball dugout that blew over in summer storm is available for sale on sealed bid to district resident. If interested in the material, please turn in bid in sealed envelope marked Dugout Material Bid by 3:00 p.m. on October 16. Bids will be opened at the October 20 school board meeting. Winning bidder responsible for payment and pick up. Material available is purchased as is. Bench is not included. There are some damaged boards due to storm damage and from removal. Nails/screws are exposed where it was taken apart.
October 13, 2020
Dear MCC Families,
I am writing this letter to inform you about the recent uptick in COVID-19 cases in our county. We are keeping in very close contact with North Valley Public Health and we are bearing very close to the line where we may need to make adjustments at school to our learning plan.
MDE/MDH shared counts on Thursday with the public and we were at 5.32. However that data is already two weeks old and the last two weeks have been concerning. Reporting by North Valley Public Health on 10-12-2020 showed that our current 14 day count is at 19.15. This is the highest number of cases in a two week period that our county has had up to this point. Right now we are trending the wrong way.
The next two weeks are very important. We need everyone to do their part. Several area schools in nearby counties have been hit with increases that have affected busing, sports, activities, and their learning models. At this point we currently have no cases in our immediate school community but have had some cases of staff and students that have had to isolate as close contacts since school has started.
If the county count does not improve, we will strongly consider switching learning models to a hybrid model starting with our high school. We do not want to do that as we know in person learning is best for our students. We need everyone to take on the responsibility of doing their part in this.
You can help by:
Staying home if you are sick
Avoiding unnecessary travel
Washing hands
Wearing masks in public places
Social distancing even when wearing a mask, even outside if you are in a crowd.
All of the county schools: MCC, W-A-O, Grygla, and Stephen-Argyle are sending a notification to families reminding them that we are in this together and need our families and communities to do the right things to ensure we can maintain in-person schooling for our children.
Thank you,
Jeffrey Lund
Superintendent/Elementary Principal
Reminder: Parent Teachers Conferences are tonight and tomorrow night at Newfolden Elementary and MCC High School. Conferences are via Zoom and telephone only. Elementary families received letters with conference time. High School conferences were to be scheduled. If you still need to schedule, call Missy at HS and there may still be openings.
Monday’s Volleyball game. We will collect money tomorrow, we ask if possible bring exact change. After tomorrow’s game you will have to prepay for your tickets. $5 for adults $3 for students in grades 7-12 only.
Volleyball Parents:
Just a reminder that your daughter should have received a Google Form document from Mr. Taylor or Mr. Longerbone on Friday. If they did not please have them email one of us so we can get that out. For the game on Monday you will need to fill out the form. We want to clear a few things up if there are questions.
1) We are allowing two tickets per household or up to four for split families. This means if you have two girls in the program you still are only allowed 2 or up to 4 tickets max in a split household. This may change in the future.
2)There was a question that had the wrong answer option open, if you have already filled it out go back and make sure all answers are filled out correctly.
3) We also are asking that once your daughter is finished playing that you leave so parents of athletes competing at the next level can watch their athletes.
4) Make sure all forms are filled out by Monday at 3:00
If you have any questions please email Mr. Taylor or Mr. Longerbone
Because of transportation issues at SAC the JH football game vs. the SAC storm will start at 5:30 with the JV game to follow. The games will be played in Karlstad.
Due to YouTube difficulties please use this link for tonight’s football game between the Northern Freeze and WEM Patriots
We did a tally and during the month of September our kitchen staff served 3,229 breakfasts and 4,749 lunches to our students free of charge under the USDA Waiver Program.
This represents a savings of $16,743 for our families if these were full pay meals.
Remember these free meals will continue as long as funding remains up to December 31 this year.
Thank you MCC kitchen staff for your hard work feeding our students!!
Volleyball Parents:
We are waiting to get official word from BGMR on the amount of tickets we will get for Tuesday's VB match. As soon as we get information we will share it out via social media.
Thank you for your patience.
Dear Volleyball Parents:
We are sure you have heard that there has been much discussion about the status of fans at volleyball games. Yesterday the MSHSL opened up the possibility of fans attending volleyball games. At this time we have come up with some regulations that we think will allow 2 spectators (4 for split families) to attend volleyball matches.
Please follow these guidelines:
1. Only two fans will attend per participant. No exceptions. (Parents or parent & sibling of the same household only. No fill-ins. All siblings must be in 7th grade or above.)
2. Please enter through Door 1 at MCC and Door 14 at TC. Expect a temperature check upon arrival. If your temperature exceeds 100.4 degrees, you will be denied admittance.
3. Please exit to the west: Doors 8 and 9 at MCC and Door 11 at TC.
4. Masks must be worn properly, covering your mouth and nose at all times.
5. Families will sit in groups of 2 only and maintain 12 ft. of space from players/participants. Sit only on marked spots.
6. Family/groups will sit at least 6 ft. from other family/groups.
7. There WILL NOT be concessions. Possibly in the future.
8. Immediately after a game, you are expected to vacate the building. Do not go on the floor to greet your daughter. Do not loiter in the hallway.
9. If your daughter is on C-Team, you must leave after the C game is finished. Same for subsequent levels.
10. If your daughter plays on JV, Varsity, or 8th grade, please arrive near the starting time for your daughter's game and leave when it’s finished.
11. At this time, we will only accommodate fans for the home team and only the game your daughter is participating in.
12. Fill out the Google Form to register for Monday's volleyball game. Only those names on the form will be admitted.
*A google form will be sent to your volleyball players email account please fill this out before 3:00 on Monday 10/12/20
Brian Longerbone and Gary Taylor
Northern Freeze ADs
Wristbands for tonight's home football game are still available for purchase. You may purchase wristbands until 3pm, please contact the HS office. $3 for students in grades 7th-12th, $5 for adults. Wristbands will NOT be available for purchase at the gates. No entry without one.
The Northern Freeze Football game vs. WEM on Friday 10/9/20 will be live streamed at the following link.
It is very important that we all do our part to help ensure we are able to maintain in-person school and slow spread.
So far families and staff are doing great at staying home from school when not feeling well. Thank you as that protects everyone. If you are not sure, you are always welcome to contact the school and we will help you.
We need our families to follow precautions on evenings and weekends outside of school time as well. The neighboring state of North Dakota has the highest per 100,000 active case count in the country. Minnesota in recent weeks has also seen an uptick in cases as well. Several schools have had to change learning models in recent weeks.
Please stay home if you are sick, social distance, take precautions if you have to travel, avoid unnecessary travel, wash hands, wear masks when in public.
Our children need school in person as it is the best way they can learn. Please continue your efforts to help with this!
Material from the softball dugout that blew over in summer storm is available for sale on sealed bid to district resident. If interested in the material, please turn in bid in sealed envelope marked Dugout Material Bid by 3:00 p.m. on October 16. Bids will be opened at the October 20 school board meeting. Winning bidder responsible for payment and pick up. Material available is purchased as is. Bench is not included. There are some damaged boards due to storm damage and from removal. Nails/screws are exposed where it was taken apart.
Dear MCC Parents,
The purpose of this letter is to notify you about an adjustment we need to make to better serve our students and families.
Starting October 21, we will be having early release days on Wednesdays each week. Viking Elementary will dismiss at 12:25 p.m., Newfolden Elementary will dismiss at 12:50 p.m., and MCC High School will dismiss at 1:00 p.m.
The reason for this adjustment is that we have seen more absences and many exclusions of students due to them or a family member having symptoms or being a close contact of COVID-19. Luckily in most cases, students were able to return to school earlier than the full exclusion period. In planning, we were hopeful we could handle meeting these extra needs but we need to make this adjustment to accommodate everyone better.
The early releases will help our teachers and school staff by providing additional planning time, preparation time, communication time, and time to make adjustments. Paraprofessional staff will work their normal hours to assist teachers with these extra efforts.
Freeze Kids will be available to families that are using the service at no additional charge.
We know this may be of inconvenience to some families so we wanted to give plenty of notice. We tried to come up with a way that supported our needs without creating too much difficulty for families.
Wednesdays were chosen because this is the day that will be dedicated to assisting with distance learning if we are in a hybrid model. It works best for our Head Start/Preschool Schedule. There are no junior high sports on Wednesdays.
Before October 21, please take time to assess your needs to make this work for your family. Call the school office or transportation office if you need to make any transportation adjustments.
Thank you for understanding that we have to make adjustments from time to time. Our key goal is to be able to safely provide in-person education as this is the best way our students learn. This adjustment will help our teaching staff and support staff serve our families better under the circumstances.
Jeffrey Lund
Parent Teacher Conference dates are set. All conferences this fall will be held either by phone or using Zoom.
Newfolden Elementary and Marshall County Central High School will be holding parent/teacher conferences on Monday, October 12 from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Tuesday, October 13 from 3:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Viking Elementary will hold parent/teacher conferences on Monday, October 26 from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Tuesday, October 27 from 3:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Preschool Conferences will be November 4th and 5th.
Patty and Sarah will arrange an elementary conference time for all students and send home a note with your date/time. High school conferences will be available to those that call in to request a conference. Please call Missy to make conference appointments.
We are in still need of substitute paraprofessionals, substitute teachers, and substitute bus drivers.
If you are interested in any of these opportunities we encourage you to go to: and complete application. If you have any questions, please call Sue in our district office (218) 874-8530.
October 1 is an important deadline for turning in Free-Reduced Lunch forms to the district. We need families that may qualify to turn in these forms as it helps those families and helps the school district. We receive between $120,000 - $150,000 annual in compensatory aid based on our free-reduced lunch count.
You can apply online at:
or you download/print paper form here:
Material from the softball dugout that blew over in summer storm is available for sale on sealed bid to district resident. If interested in the material, please turn in bid in sealed envelope marked Dugout Material Bid by 3:00 p.m. on October 16. Bids will be opened at the October 20 school board meeting. Winning bidder responsible for payment and pick up.
Material available is purchased as is. Bench is not included. There are some damaged boards due to storm damage and from removal. Nails/screws are exposed where it was taken apart.